How the BodyTite Procedure Works

BodyTite Procedure

Today, an increasing number of men and women are having body contouring procedures to look and feel good. Advancements in technology have made body contouring less invasive, allowing patients to achieve their aesthetic goals without the scarring or lengthy recovery time associated with traditional body contouring procedures. One of the options that has stirred up much excitement in recent times is BodyTite liposuction surgery in New York City. Performed using the FDA-approved BodyTite device by InMode, this minimally-invasive procedure addresses excess fat and provide significant skin tightening effects using patented RFAL™ (radiofrequency assisted liposuction) technology. It provides safe, gentle, and effective body contouring without the added downtime and scars.

BodyTite liposuction removes excess fat pockets from body and can also provide 40% more skin tightening than traditional liposuction treatment without lengthy recovery time or complex surgical techniques. The key benefits of this breakthrough body remodelling procedure are:

  • Minimally invasive
  • Requires only local anesthesia or light sedation
  • Significant fat reduction and body firming – no lumpy irregularities
  • Controlled heat generation
  • Visible skin tightening through renewed collagen production
  • Reduced surgical trauma
  • Takes only 30-45 minutes and is virtually painless
  • Short downtime, does not require overnight stay
  • Quick healing and less scarring

The BodyTite handpiece delivers radio frequency energy to liquefy subcutaneous fat so that it can be easily removed, coagulates the blood vessels, and tightens the skin, while leaving the surrounding tissues unharmed. After marking the area to be treated, the patient will be administered local anesthesia and a tiny incision will be created after the area is number to insert the BodyTite handpiece into the subcutaneous tissue. RFAL energy passes from an internal cannula to an external electrode, delivering focused energy into the adipose tissue to melt the fat. This powerful heating action tightens loose skin and reduces pockets of fat cells, helping the surgeon sculpt the body into a naturally-beautiful shape and minimizing the appearance of wrinkling and sagging. The outcome is a smooth, attractive, natural looking physique.

A key advantage of BodyTite liposuction is that it can treat deep fat up to 50 mm, and controls heating so that large volume contraction is consistent. It also avoids over-treatment or under-treatment, and allows focused treatment of all large volume areas. However, not everyone is good for this procedure. A healthy person with localized areas of excess fat as well as good quality skin is considered an ideal candidate for BodyTite liposuction surgery in New York City. The best candidates have moderate skin laxity and are within 30% of their ideal weight.

Most people might get back to their routine exercises within two to three weeks of BodyTite. Walking the nest day post the procedure and doing light stretching within a week is allowed. Even if the procedure is minimally invasive, a slight bruising or swelling is expected which will subside soon. Any discomfort can be managed with the medications prescribed by your plastic surgeon. Results are patient specific and completely depend on the treatment area and amount of fat removed. Results can be seen immediately, although optimal results are usually seen within 3-6 months after the treatment.

If you are considering BodyTite liposuction surgery in New York City, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that provides the services of plastic surgeons who are well-trained in BodyTite. In a reliable practice you can expect personalized solutions and end-to-end care till complete recovery.