BodyTite Knee Liposuction – For Slimmer, Toned Knees

BodyTite Knee Liposuction

Most women desire shapely knees that enhance the overall appearance of their legs. However, stubborn fat in knees are a common aesthetic concern. Pregnancy, excessive weight gain and hormonal imbalances can cause fat to accumulate in many areas of the body, including the knees. Localized fat pads can make legs appear shorter and restrict clothing choices. In fact, even rigorous exercise and diets have no impact on knee fat. BodyTite knee liposuction in New York City provides the solution. This minimally invasive procedure removes stubborn fat and tightens sagging skin in the knees to provide trimmer, natural looking shape. Performed utilizing patented RFAL (radiofrequency – assisted lipolysis) technology, the procedure provides greater definition to the knee cap, front structures of the knee, lower fibula area, and calves.

The FDA-cleared BodyTite device liquefies subcutaneous fat for easy removal, coagulating the blood vessels, and tightening the skin in a single procedure, without the visible scars and prolonged downtime. When it comes to the knee area, there are two options for liposuction based on individual needs:

  • A knee lift to tighten loose skin to achieve a toned appearance, and
  • Removal of unwanted fat in the inner knee area to provide a slimmer look

BodyTite in NYC – Top Benefits

When compared to other conventional liposuction, BodyTite on legs offers several benefits –

  • Smooth, even contouring
  • Involves local anesthesia
  • Involves small incisions
  • Minimal side effects
  • Outpatient procedure
  • Rapid recovery and faster healing
  • Virtually no scarring

BodyTite Liposuction – What Steps Are Involved?

BodyTite on legs will begin with the plastic surgeon marking the area to be treated and administering local anesthesia to numb it. A tiny incision will be made to insert the BodyTite hand piece that targets subcutaneous tissue. RFAL energy is passed from an internal cannula to an external electrode delivering focused energy into the adipose tissue and fatty areas to melt the fat. The controlled delivery of radiofrequency (RF) energy breaks down and liquefies the fat cells, allowing them to be gently suctioned out, while leaving the surrounding tissues unaffected.

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and takes approximately 30-45 minutes to complete. Results are patient specific and depend on the amount of fat removed and other individual factors. Larger areas may require a longer recovery time. Initial results become visible immediately, with the best results noticeable after 6-12 weeks. Patients can get back to their normal exercise regimen within 2-3 weeks of BodyTite liposuction surgery. Plastic surgeons may advise patients to wear a compression garment and avoid strenuous physical activities in the initial recovery phase as this may promote faster healing.

Candidates for BodyTite liposuction in NYC must be healthy with stubborn fat deposits in and around the knee area. They must be within 30 percent of their ideal body weight and have a healthy skin with good elasticity. Candidates should be at least 18 years of age and non-smokers, and have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure.

Women planning to have BodyTite liposuction surgery in New York City need to choose a reliable AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice. Accredited practices in NYC offer the services of plastic surgeons who are experts in using this radiofrequency-assisted liposuction technology. An expert surgeon will evaluate patient concerns and provide customized treatment to helps them achieve optimal results.