BodyTite Arm Liposuction: When Can I See The Results?

BodyTite Arm Liposuction

Factors such as natural aging, weight gain, and hormonal imbalances cause fat to accumulate in the upper arms, and is a major aesthetic concern among many people. No matter how hard you try, even rigorous workout and diets cannot resolve excess fat and sagging skin in the upper arms. Fortunately, minimally-invasive BodyTite arm liposuction in New York City can provide the desired results. The BodyTite device uses patented radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL) technology to remove stubborn fat and tighten the skin, and is an ideal way to eliminate stubborn fat in the upper arms. The procedure is an ideal way to achieve toned, youthful looking arms – without surgery, incisions or scars.

BodyTite arm liposuction begins with the surgeon marking the treatment area and administering local anesthesia. Once the treatment site is numb, a tiny incision will be created to insert the RF-assisted BodyTite handpiece into the subcutaneous issue and deliver RF energy to the site. The heat from the device melts the stubborn fat, allowing it to be easily removed. The procedure coagulates the blood vessels, tightens the skin, and encourages collagen production, while leaving the surrounding tissues unharmed. It allows you to achieve the well-shaped arms you desire without scars along with up to 40% more skin tightening effects than conventional liposuction.

As the procedure is minimally-invasive and involves short downtime, patients are eager to know when they can see their results. Initial results are usually seen immediately after the procedure, with the best outcomes becoming visible after 6-12 weeks. However, the final results of the BodyTite arm liposuction in New York City are patient specific and depend individual considerations.

BodyTite liposuction typically takes about 30-45 minutes to perform, though this may vary based on the area treated, the amount of fat removed, and other considerations. Minor side effects such as mild bruising and swelling – that are quite common with any cosmetic surgical procedure – can be expected, and will typically subside within the first week. Any other discomfort can be effectively managed with the medications prescribed by the plastic surgeon.

Since BodyTite arm liposuction in NYC involves only minimal surgical trauma and downtime, most patients return to their routine activities within 48 hours. Patients are advised to put a hold on arm exercises for a week or so. Patients will also be advised to wear a compression garment to control swelling. One study found that 81% patients returned to work within 1-3 days of the procedure. Most patients had minimal or no discomfort and reported being satisfied with their fat reduction and skin tightening results.

If you are considering BodyTite in NYC, choose a reliable AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that offers the services of plastic surgeons who are experts in performing this RF-assisted procedure. Such practices meets industry standards for patient safety, and will provide customized treatment and comprehensive care until complete recovery.