BodyTite Arm Lift – Facts You Should Know

Arm Lift

Sagging, flabby upper arms or “batwings” are a major aesthetic concern, especially among women. Caused by factors such as weight gain, heredity, and natural aging, upper arm fat is usually resistant to even strenuous diets and exercise. Until recently, brachioplasty or traditional arm lift surgery was the only option to address this concern. Today, reputable plastic surgery practices offer BodyTite – an advanced, minimally invasive modality for fat removal. The BodyTite arm lift removes excess skin and fat to provide toned, youthful looking arms – without surgery.

Here’s what you need to know about the BodyTite arm lift –

How Does The BodyTite Arm Lift Work?

Aging causes the skin to get loose and flacid, creating excess bags under the arms. BodyTite uses patented RFAL (radiofrequency assisted liposuction) technology and works by liquefying the unwanted subcutaneous arm fat (that spans from elbow to armpit) so that it can be easily removed. It also coagulates the blood vessels and tightens the skin, while leaving the surrounding tissues intact. BodyTite allows plastic surgeons to perform an arm liposuction and arm lift surgery without incisions or scars.

What Are The Benefits Of The BodyTite Arm Lift Over Conventional Arm Lift Surgery?

  • Minimally invasive procedure
  • Significant fat reduction and skin tightening through renewed collagen production
  • Needs only local anesthesia
  • Short downtime and quick recovery
  • Results are immediately visible
  • Outpatient procedure, does not require overnight stay
  • No lumpy irregularities
  • Minimal pain, swelling, bruising and surgical trauma
  • Controlled heat generation

Who Is A Good Candidate for The BodyTite Arm Lift?

BodyTite liposuction surgery can provide the ideal candidates with slim, toned arms. Patients should have realistic expectations about the results. BodyTite on arms is a “gap” procedure for many patients for whom liposuction alone may not provide the desired results, but are not severe enough for traditional arm lift surgery. It is generally suitable for patients who have mild or moderate skin laxity due to factors such as aging and weight loss. Along with these factors, other considerations that a candidate for arm lift surgery must meet include –

  • Be in good health with no medical conditions that could cause problems with healing or recovery
  • Be close to their ideal weight
  • Are ready to quit smoking and alcohol for the time advised
  • Are committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a proper diet

How Should I Prepare For An Arm Lift?

One of the most important things patients need to do if they are considering a scarless arm lift is to choose the right plastic surgeon. Make sure that the surgeon has extensive experience in performing the arm lift procedure using BodyTite technology. Here are some important things to do to prepare for the procedure –

  • Get the physical examination as instructed by the plastic surgeon.
  • Make sure to clearly understand the benefits and risks of the procedure.
  • Inform the plastic surgeon about any medical conditions you have.
  • Be open about any surgeries you have undergone or medications you take. Adjust your medications as advised by the surgeon.
  • Quit smoking a few weeks before/after the procedure
  • View “before and after” photos of your surgeon’s patients who underwent the procedure
  • Maintain a positive outlook and have realistic expectations.

How Is The Procedure Performed?

The plastic surgeon begins the procedure by marking the treatment area and administering local anesthesia. Once the site is numb, a tiny incision will made to insert the RF-assisted BodyTite handpiece into the subcutaneous tissue and deliver RF energy to the site. The heat will melt the stubborn subcutaneous fat, allowing it to be easily removed. Along with fat reduction, BodyTite also encourages the production of collagen and tightens the skin.

When Can I See The Results?

The final results of the procedure are patient specific and depend on amount of fat removed. The procedure typically takes about 30-45 minutes, though this would vary based on the area treated and the amount of fat removed. Minor side effects such as mild bruising and swelling (that are quite common with any procedure) will typically subside within the first week. Any other discomfort can be effectively managed with the medications prescribed by the plastic surgeon. Initial results can be seen immediately after the procedure, with the best outcomes becoming visible after 6-12 weeks. During the recovery stage, patients will be recommended to wear a compression garment to control swelling. A temporary drainage tube may be inserted in the arm to drain any fluid or blood that builds up after surgery.

If you are considering BodyTite Arm liposuction in New York City, choose a reliable AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that offers the services of plastic surgeons who are experts in performing this RF-assisted procedure. Such plastic surgery practices will provide customized treatment and comprehensive care until complete recovery.