Who is An Ideal Candidate for BodyTite Liposuction? [Infographic]

When even strenuous diets and exercise fail to address stubborn fat, many men and women turn to liposuction to achieve their body contouring goals. Unlike conventional liposuction which requires general anesthesia, modern body contouring procedures involve the use of minimally invasive methods that require only local anesthesia. BodyTite liposuction is an innovative minimally invasive option that provides excellent aesthetic results.

This cosmetic surgical procedure provides efficient fat removal along with superior skin tightening effects. Performed using the FDA-approved BodyTite device, it uses patented RFAL™ (radiofrequency assisted liposuction) technology to provide safe, gentle, and effective body contouring results without any downtime and scars. However, not everyone is a good candidate for BodyTite liposuction. Check out this infographic for criteria that determine your candidature for this procedure.

Check out the infographic below

BodyTite Liposuction