Who Is An Ideal Candidate For the BodyTite Scarless Arm Lift?

Scarless Arm Lift

Sagging, flabby upper arms or “batwings” are a major aesthetic concern faced by many women. Excessive weight loss, heredity, and natural aging results in loss of skin elasticity and causes loose sagging skin under the arms, concerns which are most often resistant to even rigorous diets and exercise. Brachioplasty or traditional arm lift surgery can correct this concern and actually removes a large amount of unwanted fat, but it involves extensive downtime and long scars. Fortunately, today, we have minimally-invasive options like the BodyTite arm lift in NYC that provide patients with excellent results without incisions, unsightly scars, or long downtime.

Leading NYC plastic surgeons Drs. Spero Theodorou and Christopher T. Chia of bodySCULPT in NYC are the inventors of the innovative BodyTite on arms / scarless arm lift. The procedure utilizes patented RFAL technology to provide safe, gentle, and effective body contouring. The treatment removes unwanted fat from the area around the arms and tightens the skin, all without the prolonged downtime associated with conventional liposuction surgery. The BodyTite arm lift procedure works by liquefying the unwanted subcutaneous arm fat so that it can be easily removed. It also coagulates the blood vessels and tightens the skin, while leaving the surrounding tissues intact. The procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia.

Scarless arm lift surgery can provide the ideal candidates with slim, toned arms. However, not all are men and women are candidates for this procedure. BodyTite on arms is a “gap” procedure for many patients for whom liposuction alone may not provide the desired results, but are not severe enough for traditional arm lift surgery. It is generally suitable for patients who have mild or moderate skin laxity due to certain factors such as aging, weight loss, or other factors.

For instance, if you have lost a significant amount of weight that has resulted in excess loose skin on the underside of your upper arms, then you might be an ideal candidate for scarless BodyTite arm lift. Also, scarless arm lift can help if you have skin laxity and uncomfortable or displeased with loose or sagging skin. Along with these factors, other criteria that a candidate for scarless arm lift surgery must meet include:

  • Be in good health with no medical conditions that could cause problems with healing or recovery
  • Have good skin elasticity
  • Be close to your ideal weight
  • Are ready to quit smoking and alcohol for the time advised
  • Have a positive outlook and realistic expectations about the results
  • Are committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a proper diet

It’s important to follow your surgeon’s instructions on exercise and other matters to obtain optimal results.

The procedure involves minimal surgical trauma and downtime. The actual recovery time can vary depending on the correction required – the amount of fat removed and the extent of the area treated. As an arm lift is a highly personalized procedure, outcomes will differ based on individual considerations.

Most patients return to their routine activities within 48 hours, without experiencing any risks or complications. One study found that 81% patients returned to work within 1-3 days of the procedure. However, arm exercises should be delayed till healing is complete.

To determine if you are a good candidate for a scarless arm lift, schedule a consultation in an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice offering BodyTite in NYC. Such practices will have plastic surgeons who are experts in performing the procedure. After clearing you for the treatment, a reliable plastic surgeon will assess your needs and anatomical considerations, and provide customized treatment to help you achieve your goals. In an accredited practice, you can expect end-to-end care and support all through the treatment, right from the initial consultation till complete recovery.