What you need to know about BodyTite Arm Lift Recovery Time

Arm Lift Recovery

Sagging upper arms are a common aesthetic concern, which often intensifies as women age. Caused by factors such as excessive weight loss, heredity, and natural aging, flabby upper arms usually not respond to even strenuous diets and exercise. Brachioplasty or the traditional arm lift can address this concern but involves surgery, long scars, and extensive downtime. Today, advancements in technology make it possible for patients to achieve excellent body contouring results without surgery. The BodyTite arm lift in NYC is a minimally invasive procedure that provides excellent results without incisions, unsightly scars, or long downtime.

The highly efficient FDA-approved BodyTite device employs RFAL technology to selectively remove excess fat deposits from the upper arms. The BodyTite™ Radiofrequency-Assisted Liposuction (RFAL) arm lift surgery allows you to achieve the well-shaped arms you desire without scars along with up to 40% more skin tightening effects than conventional liposuction. Expert surgeons perform the procedure under local anesthesia, avoiding the usual risks associated with general anesthesia. One question that most patients ask their surgeon is about the recovery time for the BodyTite Arm lift.

The BodyTite arm lift procedure begins with administering local anesthesia at the treatment site. A tiny incision is made in the skin of the upper arm to insert the cannula of the BodyTite device. The RF energy delivered via the cannula liquefies the unwanted fat cells quickly, allowing them to be easily removed. The procedure simultaneously tightens the skin and coagulates the tissues, which helps the surgeon sculpt the arms to achieve the ideal shape. Performed on an outpatient basis, the procedure takes approximately 30-45 minutes, though this would depend on the extent of the area treated and other individual considerations.

Since BodyTite involves only minimal surgical trauma and downtime, most patients return to their routine activities within 48 hours. Patients are advised to put a hold on arm exercises for a week or so. However, recovery time and results will vary based on the area treated and the amount of fat removed. Slight discomfort, tenderness, and bruising is to be expected, but these side effects will subside soon. Best results appear 6-12 weeks after the procedure. One study found that 81% patients returned to work within 1-3 days of the procedure. Most patients had minimal or no discomfort and reported being satisfied with their fat reduction and skin tightening results.

The BodyTite arm lift is a suitable option for patients with loose, crepe-like skin in the lower inner arm area near the arm pit and not much extra fatty tissue. Candidates should have good skin elasticity and a stable weight. It’s important to follow your surgeon’s instructions on exercise and other matters to obtain optimal results. Importantly, a healthy lifestyle is necessary to maintain the outcomes.

If you think that BodyTite in NYC will work for you, schedule a consultation in an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that offers scarless arm lift surgery to determine your candidature for the treatment. Surgeons in leading practice would be experts in using this specialized RAFL technique to perform upper arm contouring. In an accredited practice, you can expect end-to-end care and support all through the treatment, right from the initial consultation till complete recovery.