Frequently Asked Questions about BodyTite Abdomen Liposuction

Abdomen Liposuction

Stubborn belly fat is a common concern for most men and women. Factors such as aging, genetics, hormonal imbalances, and weight gain are the key reasons for buildup of abdominal fat. BodyTite in NYC is an ideal option to address this common aesthetic concern. The procedure utilizes patented radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL) technology to remove stubborn …

How Long Does It Take To Heal From BodyTite Liposuction?

BodyTite Liposuction

Over recent years, body contouring treatments have become increasingly popular among both men and women. As new technologies are developed that provide excellent results without the need for invasive surgery, established plastic surgery practices adopt them to perform a wide variety of procedures. One modality that has caught the attention of people who are reluctant …

Who Is An Ideal Candidate For A Scarless Breast Lift?

Scarless Breast Lift

Loss of skin elasticity due to aging, pregnancy, gravity and other factors can lead to sagging breasts, a major aesthetic concern for many women. The breasts lose volume and sag. Breast lift surgery or mastopexy removes excess skin and tissue and also resolve droopiness by elevating the breasts to an aesthetically pleasing position. However, a …

BodyTite Knee Liposuction for Shapely, Attractive Knees

Knee Liposuction

The knee area is prone to fat accumulation, which affects the overall appearance of the legs. Stubborn or bulging pockets of fat around the knees, mainly in women, usually fails to respond to even rigorous exercise and diet. With significant advancements in technology, body contouring is much easier nowadays. BodyTite in NYC is a minimally …

BodyTite Saddle Bags Liposuction for a Well-Shaped Lower Body

Saddle Bags Liposuction

Rolls of extra fat stored in the hips and outer thighs or “saddle bags” can be very frustrating especially for women who are otherwise in good shape. A disproportionate and bulky lower body can make you look really awkward in pants, skirts, and other clothes. In most cases, saddle bags are resistant to even stringent …

BodyTite Thigh Liposuction – Get Rid of Stubborn Thigh Fat Without Surgery

Thigh Liposuction

Stubborn fat deposits in the inner and outer thighs is linked to weight gain, genetics and hormones and most women find it difficult to address this concern with just diet and exercise. BodyTite liposuction is a perfect option to eliminate the excess fat deposited on the upper inner thigh areas. Though traditional liposuction can slim …

BodyTite Liposuction: Is The Procedure Safe?

BodyTite Liposuction

Rapid advancements in technology have led to the invention of new aesthetic procedures that allow people to achieve their unique goals with minimal downtime and reduced risk of side effects. One advancement that has created a significant impact on plastic surgeons as well as patients is BodyTite. An FDA-approved modality, BodyTite in NYC utilizes patented …

Who Is An Ideal Candidate For the BodyTite Scarless Arm Lift?

Scarless Arm Lift

Sagging, flabby upper arms or “batwings” are a major aesthetic concern faced by many women. Excessive weight loss, heredity, and natural aging results in loss of skin elasticity and causes loose sagging skin under the arms, concerns which are most often resistant to even rigorous diets and exercise. Brachioplasty or traditional arm lift surgery can …

What you need to know about BodyTite Arm Lift Recovery Time

Arm Lift Recovery

Sagging upper arms are a common aesthetic concern, which often intensifies as women age. Caused by factors such as excessive weight loss, heredity, and natural aging, flabby upper arms usually not respond to even strenuous diets and exercise. Brachioplasty or the traditional arm lift can address this concern but involves surgery, long scars, and extensive …

Restore Perky Breasts with a BodyTite Breast Lift

Breast Lift

Most women consider firm, perky, youthful looking breasts a very desirable trait. However, aging and pregnancy can cause loss of skin elasticity and result in flat, sagging breasts. Breast lift surgery or mastopexy was the only option women had earlier to address this aesthetic concern. Traditional breast lift surgery involves incisions and scarring, which makes …