Remove Excess Belly Fat with BodyTite Liposuction

Belly Fat

Excess belly fat is a common aesthetic concern among both men and women. Aging, hormonal imbalances, pregnancy, weight gain and genetics are the main factors that cause fat deposits to build up in the abdominal area. Stubborn fat deposits in the abdominal area are often difficult to get rid of even with strenuous exercise and strict diets. BodyTite Abdomen liposuction in NYC is an ideal option to eliminate tummy fat and achieve a flatter, well-shaped midsection.

A safe and minimally-invasive body contouring procedure, BodyTite liposuction utilizes patented RAFL (radiofrequency – assisted lipolysis) technology to liquefy stubborn fat cells and gently them. The procedure also coagulates the blood vessels and tightens the skin. In addition, it encourages the production of new collagen and improves the skin’s texture.

Benefits of BodyTite Liposuction

BodyTite liposuction surgery offers with several benefits over conventional liposuction surgery, –

  • No visible scars
  • Lifts and tightens loose skin
  • Reduced treatment and recovery time
  • Local anesthesia
  • Less bruising, bleeding and swelling
  • Fat is dissolved and removed gently

Who is an Ideal Candidate for the Procedure?

To undergo BodyTite abdomen liposuction, candidates need to have fat deposits in the abdomen/tummy region that are resistant to diet and exercise. Other criteria that candidates should satisfy include –

  • Be above 18 years of age
  • Be a non-smoker
  • Be in good general health (without any underlying medical conditions)
  • Have healthy skin with good elasticity
  • Have realistic expectations
  • Have a healthy body weight

What the Procedure Involves

The plastic surgeon begins the procedure by marking the treatment site. Local anesthesia will be administered and a tiny incision will be made to insert the small cannula of the BodyTite device. The RF energy will be delivered via the cannula to target the unwanted fat cells, causing them to gently liquefy and allowing them to be easily removed. The whole procedure will take about 30-45 minutes, though this would vary depending on the extent of the area treated and other individual considerations. The results of the procedure will also depend on various factors such the extent of area treated, amount of fat removed, and so on. Initial results can be seen immediately after the procedure and the best results are usually visible after 6-12 weeks.

Considering BodyTite liposuction Surgery in NYC? Make sure you choose a reliable and AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that has plastic surgeons who are experts in performing this RF-assisted procedure. In a reliable practice, patients can personalized solutions and end-to-end care and support till full recovery.