Get Your Body Beach Ready with BodyTite Liposuction Treatment

BodyTite Liposuction

Many men and women want to get in shape for the summer, but find that stubborn fat refuses to budge even with rigorous diets and workouts. Spring is one of the best times of the year to consider liposuction and get that beach-ready body before summer comes. With innovative minimally-invasive liposuction procedures like BodyTite in New York City, you can achieve your goals effectively, safely, and quickly.

While conventional liposuction surgery does remove excess fat, it cannot address sagging skin. It also involves general anesthesia, extended downtime, scars, and long recovery. Minimally-invasive BodyTite liposuction needs only local anesthesia and comes with little downtime and faster recovery. It utilizes patented RFAL™ (radiofrequency assisted liposuction) technology to address excess fat, provides amazing skin tightening effects and produces surgical quality results – with hardly any scars. The procedure can treat the abdomen, flanks (waist), love-handles, breasts, thighs, back, arms, and knees.

The BodyTite body contouring surgeon begins the procedure by marking the site and administering local anesthesia. After the area is numb, a tiny incision is created to insert the BodyTite handpiece into the subcutaneous tissue. The device comes with two probes that work simultaneously – one works beneath the skin, heating the entire soft-tissue matrix and melting the fat via the temperature controlled RF technology, while the other simultaneously aspirates the liquefied fat and coagulates the adipose, fibrous, and vascular tissue, leaving the surrounding tissues unharmed. The heat generated tightens the skin quickly and allows the plastic surgeon to sculpt the body to the ideal shape. BodyTite can provide 40% more skin tightening than traditional liposuction.

Pain and discomfort after this procedure is minimal, and there are no serious side effects. Moreover, as the downtime and recovery for BodyTite are short, the treatment help you get in shape quickly for the swimsuit season. Your BodyTite body contouring surgeon may recommend wearing a special compression garment for a few weeks after the procedure to compress the post-op swelling and contour the skin around the treatment site. Spring allows for bulkier clothes that will conceal the slight bruising and swelling.

Spring season is the ideal time to get liposuction treatment and put your best face and body forward when the warm weather arrives. Though the procedure is minimally-invasive, only idea candidates would benefit from BodyTite. A young, healthy person with good quality skin is considered an ideal candidate for BodyTite liposuction. To determine if you meet these requirements, schedule a consultation with an experienced BodyTite body contouring surgeon in an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice in NYC.