Can a Person Who is Overweight have BodyTite Liposuction?

BodyTite Liposuction

Excessive weight loss, heredity, and natural aging can cause loose sagging skin and pockets of stubborn fats in various areas of the body. When these concerns do not respond to even rigorous diets and exercises, liposuction is recommended. Conventional liposuction can remove fat effectively but the procedure leaves behind loose skin. An innovative minimally invasive radiofrequency-assisted (RF) procedure, BodyTite liposuction in New York City overcomes these concerns and helps you achieve attractive, natural looking body contouring results – without surgery or incisions.

A superior RF-assisted technology, BodyTite eliminates fat and tightens the skin at the same time. Even so, there are many concerns regarding the procedure that people discuss on popular plastic surgery forums such as RealSelf. One concern is regarding the candidature for the procedure. BodyTite is an ideal choice for healthy people who are close to their ideal weight. Nevertheless, a patient who was overweight wanted guidance from plastic surgeons as to whether she could have BodyTite liposuction. Her specific concerns were that “she was 25 pounds over her usual weight, had delivered her second baby 17 months ago, and had not been able lose weight for 10 months”. As she considered her current weight to be “stable”, she asked if she could have BodyTite to remove fat from the abdomen and hips and then work out afterwards. Her concern was whether this would cause weight loss in “weird areas”.

An experienced plastic surgeon replied that there is no reason why she should not have BodyTite as patients often have this procedure done as a jump start to getting in better shape. The procedure gives them instant satisfaction and motivates them to start working out and lose weight. The surgeon also reminded her that BodyTite is not a weight loss procedure in itself. It is more effective for patients who are close to their ideal weight, especially if they have visceral fat – fat under the muscle surrounding the organs of the body. The best results are seen in patients who not only have BodyTite but also maintain an overall healthy lifestyle to make the results last longer.

However, it’s important to note that certain people would not qualify as ideal candidates for BodyTite liposuction procedure. Generally, an ideal candidate for BodyTite liposuction surgery is a healthy person with troublesome areas of excess fat and skin that they would like to get corrected. The best candidates have moderate skin laxity and are within 30% of their ideal weight. The criteria that determine your candidature for BodyTite are as follows:

  • Have fat deposits that persist even after strenuous workouts and rigorous diets
  • Are physically active and in good health
  • Have slack, loose, or aging skin
  • Are close to your ideal weight
  • Have good skin tone and realistic expectations about the outcome
  • Do not smoke

The procedure is not recommended for:

  • Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding
  • People with autoimmune diseases
  • Those with skin diseases and/or infections
  • Anyone with allergies to certain local anesthetics

BodyTite liposuction is performed under local anesthesia, and provides safe, gentle, and effective body contouring without the added downtime and scars of conventional liposuction surgery. A healthy person with unwanted fat deposits but good skin quality may experience good skin contraction after the procedure. Recovery after RFAL is usually far quicker and less uncomfortable than with traditional liposuction.

If you are considering BodyTite liposuction in New York City, choose an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery practice with surgeons who are experts in performing in this RF-based body contouring procedure. The success of BodyTite liposuction treatment largely depends on having it performed by a well-trained and experienced plastic surgeon. An expert plastic surgeon can determine if you are an ideal candidate for the procedure and will provide customized treatment to help you achieve your goals.