BodyTite Liposuction – Ensure Proper Pre-Op Care to Maximize Results

BodyTite Liposuction

Liposuction, the gold standard for effective fat removal, has gained immense popularity as a safe option to get rid of stubborn fat and achieve a slimmer, attractive body. However, traditional liposuction surgery involves general anesthesia and leaves loose skin behind. BodyTite liposuction, an innovative minimally invasive radio frequency-assisted (RF) procedure overcomes these concerns and results in an attractive, natural looking physique.

BodyTite liposuction surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia. It provides safe, gentle, and effective body contouring without the incisions, scars or extensive associated with conventional liposuction surgery.

Before undergoing any plastic surgery procedure, patients need to know what they need to do to promote proper healing and recovery. As with many other minimally-invasive cosmetic surgical procedures, bruising and swelling is inevitable with BodyTite. However, there are many things that can be done prior to the procedure to minimize these effects. The golden rule to maximize your BodyTite liposuction results is to diligently follow your plastic surgeon’s pre-operative instructions.

BodyTite is an ideal choice for healthy people who are close to their ideal weight. Here are some things to know while you are preparing for BodyTite liposuction:

  • Discuss any supplements or medications you take with your surgeon about and follow his/her advice on them.
  • Avoid medications that contain ibuprofen or aspirin as they affect the blood’s clotting mechanism
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure
  • If needed, arrange for someone to stay with you for few days and help with household chores
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Quit smoking at least two weeks before and until 2 weeks after surgery; smoking can affect the healing process
  • Avoid over exposure to the sun before the procedure
  • Inform your surgeon about any allergies that you have
  • Inform your surgeon, if you develop a cold or infection as the surgery may need to be postponed
  • Get the preliminary examinations recommended by your surgeon several weeks before the procedure. These may include blood tests, an electrocardiogram, or x-rays of the lungs.

To promote smooth healing and recovery, patients are also advised to follow their surgeons post-operative care tips too. With proper care, most patients experience fast recovery and return to normal activities within a few days.

If you are considering BodyTite liposuction in New York City, choose an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery practice with surgeons who are experts in this RF-assisted procedure. The success of BodyTite liposuction treatment largely depends on having it performed by a well-trained and experienced plastic surgeon. In an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice, you can expect personalized solutions and end-to-end care till complete recovery.