Restore Perky Breasts with a BodyTite Breast Lift

Breast Lift

Most women consider firm, perky, youthful looking breasts a very desirable trait. However, aging and pregnancy can cause loss of skin elasticity and result in flat, sagging breasts. Breast lift surgery or mastopexy was the only option women had earlier to address this aesthetic concern. Traditional breast lift surgery involves incisions and scarring, which makes most women hesitant to go ahead with the procedure. Fortunately, skilled plastic surgeons have come up with the BodyTite breast lift in NYC, a minimally-invasive technique that provides best outcomes without large incisions and scars.

The BodyTite breast lift or scarless breast lift is a minimally invasive procedure that can resolve sagging and restore firm, perkier breasts. The procedure lifts drooping breasts, tightens loose breast skin, and enhances the shape of the breasts. Performed using BodyTite™, an FDA-approved device that uses Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction (RFAL) technology, this minimally invasive scarless procedure provides immediate, natural-looking results – with minimal risk, short downtime, and no scars.

The procedure starts with the application of the BodyTite electrode to the skin at the treatment site. The device’s cannula is carefully inserted beneath the skin through a small incision made for the purpose. The electrode and cannula work together to deliver radiofrequency energy (RF), providing immediate skin contraction and simultaneously increasing the production of collagen to improve skin’s structure and also tighten the skin. Unlike traditional breast lift surgery that requires general anesthesia, the BodyTite breast lift procedure requires only local anesthesia and avoids the needs for IV sedation or a general anesthetic. It also involves less procedure time than the surgical breast lift.

Although the procedure is relatively simple, not every woman is a suitable candidate. A good candidate for a scarless breast lift would need to meet certain considerations. The person should be healthy and have realistic expectations about the outcome. It is important to understand that a breast lift does not significantly change the size of your breasts or round out the upper part of your breast. It addresses sagging breasts and provides a more proportionate, youthful-looking bust line.

Depending on patient goals, BodyTite breast lift surgery can be considered in conjunction with breast augmentation or breast reduction surgery.

The key benefits of this procedure are:

  • Reshapes the breasts to a more youthful contour without invasive surgical methods
  • Immediate skin tightening, with results continuing to improve over time
  • Improved skin structure with collagen production
  • Needs only local anesthesia, which means lower anesthesia-related risks and short downtime
  • Shorter recovery time than the traditional breast lift
  • Natural looking, long-lasting results
  • Improves breast symmetry

As it does not involve significant downtime or weeks of recovery, patients generally resume their normal activities soon after the procedure. Mild bruising or swelling is common, but usually subsides soon. Patients will be advised to avoid strenuous activity until healing is complete. Results are noticeable in as little as one week, though this would depend on individual considerations. Final outcomes appear in about three to six months.

If you are considering a breast lift and are convinced that BodyTite in NYC can help, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery that offers the service of plastic surgeons who are well-trained using the technology. An experienced surgeon will evaluate your anatomical considerations and provide customized treatment to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Leading practices are equipped with advanced 3D imaging technology which allows patients to visualize the outcomes of their procedure and take an informed decision.