BodyTite Breast Lift – Get Firm, Attractive Breasts

Breast Lift

Sagging breasts – a major aesthetic concern among many women usually occurs due to factors like aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding and weight fluctuations. Breast lift surgery is a popular cosmetic surgical procedure that helps resolve this concern. Traditional breast lift surgery involves incisions and scarring, which makes most women hesitate to go ahead with the procedure. Fortunately, the BodyTite Breast lift can help them achieve their goals without incisions, scars or lengthy downtime. Performed by an expert plastic surgeon, the procedure provides women with firm, shapely, attractive breasts.

What a Breast Lift Involves

A breast lift does not significantly change the size of the breasts or round out the upper part of the breasts. It primarily focuses on addressing sagginess and raising the breasts to an aesthetically pleasing position. It can result in a more proportionate and youthful-looking bust line. An expert plastic surgeon will determine the appropriate technique for the patient based on factors like –

  • Breast size and shape
  • The size and position of the areolas
  • The extent of sagging
  • Skin quality and elasticity, and amount of extra skin present

The BodyTite Scarless Breast Lift

The scarless breast lift is performed using the FDA-approved BodyTite™ device that utilizes Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction (RFAL) technology. This minimally-invasive procedure tightens, reshapes, and lifts the breasts without the scarring associated with a surgical breast lift. It gives immediate and natural-looking results, along with immediate and noticeable skin tightening benefits. The procedure also stimulates the production of subsurface collagen fiber and improves the skin’s structure.

The BodyTite hand piece features an external electrode and an internal electrode. The plastic surgeon begins the procedure by numbing the treatment area with local anesthesia. After that the external electrode is applied to the site and the device’s cannula is carefully inserted beneath the skin through a small incision. The electrode and cannula work together to deliver RF energy, which results in immediate skin contraction at the surface of the skin, and simultaneously increase the production of collagen to improve skin structure and tighten the skin.

Key Benefits of BodyTite

Unlike the conventional breast lift which involves incisions and risk of scars, BodyTite in NYC is minimally invasive. The procedure offers several unique benefits –

  • Reshapes the breasts without invasive surgery
  • Improves breast symmetry
  • Natural looking, long-lasting results
  • Immediate skin tightening, with results continuing to improve over time
  • Improved skin structure with collagen production
  • Requires only local anesthesia
  • Shorter recovery time

Most patients resume their normal activities soon after a scarless breast lift. However, strenuous activities are advised only after one week. Results are noticeable in as little as one week but are far more pronounced within three to six months.

AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practices offer the BodyTite Breast lift in NYC. If you are considering the procedure, do your research well and choose an accredited practice that offers the services of a skilled BodyTite liposuction surgeon. An expert will provide customized treatment as well as end-to-end care and support right from initial consultation up to full recovery.