Achieve a Sleek, Masculine Physique with BodyTite Liposuction

Masculine Physique

The number of men opting to have plastic surgery has increased significantly in recent years. Male body liposuction in NYC is a popular option. This procedure provides men with a sleek, masculine physique by removing excess body fat and tightening the skin. While conventional liposuction surgery does allow for effective fat removal, sagging skin or loose skin persists, affecting the final outcome. Moreover, surgery involves general anesthesia, extended downtime, scars, and long recovery. Today, there are innovative minimally-invasive procedures like BodyTite liposuction in NYC that require only local anesthesia and provide surgical quality results – without the scars and excessive downtime.

In addition to removing stubborn fat, BodyTite body contouring also tightens the skin. The procedure can address fat deposits in different areas of the body – such as the face, upper arms, chest, abdomen, love handles, thighs, and knees – that cannot be eliminated with even rigorous diet and exercise.

An FDA-approved modality, BodyTite utilizes patented RFAL™ (radiofrequency assisted liposuction) technology. The device’s handpiece delivers radiofrequency energy to liquefy subcutaneous fat so that it can be easily removed and also coagulates the blood vessels, and tightens the skin, while leaving the surrounding tissues unharmed.

The procedure begins with the plastic surgeon marking the treatment area. After the treatment site is marked, the area is numbed using local anesthesia. A tiny incision is created to insert the BodyTite hand piece into the subcutaneous tissue. The device has two probes that work simultaneously. One probe works beneath the skin, heating the entire soft-tissue matrix and melting the fat via the temperature-controlled RF technology and the second one simultaneously aspirates the liquefied fat and coagulates the adipose, fibrous, and vascular tissue. The heat generated tightens the skin quickly and coagulates the tissues, allowing the plastic surgeon to sculpt the body to the ideal shape. BodyTite can provide 40% more skin tightening than conventional liposuction treatment. It treats deep fat up to 50 mm, allows focused treatment of all large volume areas, controls heating so that large volume contraction is consistent, and avoids over-treatment or under-treatment.

Whether it is to reduce abdomen belly fat or bring down oversized male breasts, the innovative BodyTite body contouring procedure may be all that you need to achieve a smooth, attractive and natural looking physique. The key benefits of this innovative body remodelling procedure are:

  • Minimally invasive
  • Requires only local anesthesia or light sedation
  • Significant fat reduction and body firming
  • Controlled heat generation
  • Visible skin tightening through renewed collagen production
  • Reduced surgical trauma and the risk of any thermal or heat injuries
  • Takes only 30-45 minutes and is virtually painless
  • Short downtime, does not require overnight stay
  • Quick healing and less scarring
  • No lumpy irregularities

As the procedure uses local anesthesia, it lower risks and promotes faster recovery. Minor side effects might be visible such as mild bruising and swelling, which will subside soon. Generally, the initial results can be seen immediately after the procedure, with the best results noticeable after 6-12 weeks. Minor side effects would typically dissipate within the first week and any other discomfort can be managed with the medications prescribed by your plastic surgeon. Most patients usually return to work the next day.

However, not all men are ideal candidates for BodyTite male body liposuction in NYC. Only a young, healthy person with good quality skin could reap the benefits of this procedure. Also, though the procedure comes with many benefits, the results are patient specific and would depend on the treatment area and amount of fat removed.

If you are considering BodyTite male body liposuction in NYC, schedule a consultation in an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that provides the services of plastic surgeons who are experts in this body contouring procedure. The success of BodyTite liposuction treatment largely depends on having it performed by a well-trained and experienced plastic surgeon.